PayCargo App Release Note

Release note app v7.1.71 – api v1.76.8 – react app v0.31.13

Available for Customers:    

  • S&P Chinese translation (CCT/Kiosk)
  • Transactions Enhancement (New App)
  • Payer Funds (New App)
  • Login page redesign (New App)
  • Guest checkout in app flow (New App)
  • Terms and Conditions Acceptance (New App)
  • Profile Settings (New App)
  •  Payer refund request (New App)
  • Client Customizations: 
    • NYK Line (North America) Inc.

 Available for Mobile Users: 

  • General version update (iOS/Android)

 Available for Admins: 

  • Health Check updated query (New App)

Traditional Chinese translation

NYK Line (North America)

Login page redesign

Guest checkout

Terms and Conditions Expiration (New app)

Profile settings (New app)

Payer funds / Limit request increase (New app)