Our phone system is back online. If you experience any issues, please email us at [email protected] and let us know if you had trouble reaching us earlier. Thank you for your patience.

Welcome to the PayCargo Assets Library

Below you will find multiple PayCargo documents and visuals to best inform your customers that you now accept PayCargo as a main source of payment.

All PayCargo trademarks, logos, or other brand elements are subject to PayCargo’s Marks Usage Agreement.

Assets (Click on any asset to jump right to it)

Digital Assets

Vendor PDF's

Ship & Pay

Payers Instructions

Custom Flow Chart

News Article (news.paycargo.com)

Email Blast

Social Media Post

Printing Assets

Poster - 24x32"

Tabletop - US Letter

Roll-Up - 32x80"

Asset Download

paycargo white logo

PayCargo Logos

The PayCargo wordmark is available in two color versions. Use the blue and black version on light backgrounds, and white on dark backgrounds. Do not use any other colors for the wordmark.

Download logo kit

Linkedin Banners