Collaboration has never been so important

We are living in unprecedented times and the impact of the global Covid-19 outbreak is being felt by all of us across the freight supply chain.
In these challenging times, collaboration between stakeholders has never been more important and it is vital that we all do our bit and step up in any way we can for the greater good to help our communities get through this crisis.
In order to support the community, PayCargo has introduced a new free communication mechanism that allows vendors such as airlines, ship terminal and maritime operators to share key information with the 20,000+ Payer users registered in our online system.
With airlines cancelling significant percentages of their passenger schedules the impact is not only felt by passengers, but also by the entire logistics supply chain that relied on this belly capacity used to transport freight on these scheduled passenger flights.
The result being that many of our Payers are looking to identify new capacity to move goods due to the loss of these scheduled flights and the airlines are looking to identify opportunities to use their aircraft as efficiently as possible, including options such as making these passenger focused aircraft available for exclusive charters or establishing new airline scheduled cargo flights.
This is where we at PayCargo find ourselves in a unique position to help the broader cargo community during this time of crises, by facilitating the flow of critical information between Payers and Vendors.
The service will allow Vendors to communicate the availability of such new capacity options to Payers and provide Payers with Vendor contact details so that they can quickly connect with these Vendors to utilize the much- needed new capacity.
Our hope is that this service will help to bridge the gap between Payers and Vendors to facilitate the movement of goods to the benefit of the broader community.
PayCargo will be relaying these communications on behalf of Vendors to help overcome some of the challenges being faced by our shipping community.
When conveying these Vendor messages, we will provide their contact information so that Payers can respond to them directly as needed.
While this may not be our core business, we feel we needed to do our bit to help the community in this crisis and it is all about helping the wider supply chain which is facing so many challenges.
If you want to take advantage of this free service please get in touch with PayCargo’s Chief Operating Officer Juan Dieppa via his email at [email protected]
It is essential that the freight community and supply chain work together to overcome this crisis; I am confident that together we will prevail!