Future gazing: the next generation and air cargo

The next generation of air cargo professionals has grown up in a world where digital technology is taken for granted.
Generation Z, those born between the mid-to-late 1990’s and 2010, has grown up in a world with the internet and mobile phones, and probably have little experience of handing over cash to pay for goods and services.
It is also the youngest and most ethnically diverse generation in the USA, accounting for 27 per cent of the population, and currently entering the workforce as they finish their education and take up professional roles.
What does this mean for the future of air cargo?
The bottom line is modernization. If the air cargo industry wants to attract top talent to ensure ongoing innovation then it must provide an environment where the next generation wants to work and where they can grow their careers.
The people in their 20’s that are entering the workforce now are used to working with digital applications and expect their workplaces to be equally tech-savvy, as well as matching their values of equality, transparency, sustainability, and work-life balance.
To prepare for these changes, an article by Deloitte on understanding Gen Z in the workplace says organizations must start implementing robust training and leadership programs with a focus on diversity to ensure organizations can meet their expectations.
The article also states that the future of work will involve individuals with data analytics expertise, alongside business, technology, and creative skills.
As established professionals, we need to make sure that air cargo caters for them by being open to new ideas and ways of working, otherwise we will lose talent to other industries and air cargo will remain in a position where it is trying to play catch up.
At PayCargo we want to be at the forefront of change and we are willing to invest in the future in terms of our team, our customer service, our technology, and our product development.
We have already witnessed first-hand how digital technology can transform the nature of freight – especially when it comes to the financial side of the business – and we can no longer say change is coming, it is already here.
The next generation will be the business leaders and owners of tomorrow, so we have to get ready to welcome them to the air cargo industry.