Our phone system is back online. If you experience any issues, please email us at [email protected] and let us know if you had trouble reaching us earlier. Thank you for your patience.
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The PayCargo wordmark is available in two color versions. Use the blue and black version on light backgrounds, and white on dark backgrounds. Do not use any other colors for the wordmark.
You can display these badges on any pages of your website or in your email signature.
Use a badge in your email signature
To add a hyperlink to the image in your email signature, left-click on the image and when it is highlighted/selected, click the Insert hyperlink icon and provide the following hyperlink URL: https://www.paycargo.com/shipandpay.cfm#/shipandpay/transaction
Ask your webmaster to insert the code below on any pages of your site that you wish the badge to appear on.
<a href="https://www.paycargo.com/shipandpay.cfm#/shipandpay/transaction">
<img border="0" alt="Powered by PayCargo" src="https://paycargo.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/Powered-by-PayCargo-blue.png" width="160" height="24">
<a href="https://www.paycargo.com/shipandpay.cfm#/shipandpay/transaction">
<img border="0" alt="PayCargo Quick Release Vendor" src="https://paycargo.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/Quick-Release-PayCargo-blue.png" width="140" height="37">
Let your customers know that they can make payments to you via the PayCargo payment system and invite them to register.
Click on the link that will supply you with an email text template that you customize to your liking.
Copy & Paste any of these variations into the text portion of your Facebook or LinkedIn Company Page.
We are proud to be a @PayCargo Network Member!
Find us on PayCargo for all your payment needs.
[Your Company Name Here] is now accepting all payments via PayCargo.
Find us on the Vendor Search for all your payment needs.
Officially approved as a PayCargo Vendor. You can now remit all payments through PayCargo as a safe and secure payment method. Lean more here:
Click to Tweet Post Example #1: https://ctt.ac/PX0Z5
Click to Tweet Post Example #2: https://ctt.ac/6SO8W
Click to Tweet Post Example #3: https://ctt.ac/zb95a
Share on your social media platform of choice or download all the visuals by clicking the link below.
If you wish to add more detail on the benefits of using PayCargo for payment processing, you can use the following pre-approved statements for your customers and/or payment integrations.
PayCargo is the number one financial platform for moving money and vital remittance information between payers and vendors. They simplify the payment process for faster cargo movement.
PayCargo’s online solution allows you to move cargo faster and reduce payment costs more than any other platform available. Their patented technology effortlessly registers your company so that you can immediately start making payments to your freight Vendors. Through PayCargo, you can access the largest online network in the cargo industry with over 3,000 Vendors. With PayCargo, choose from direct ACH debits, prefunded accounts or credit card payment options to gain the full control of your cash flow and take your business to new heights.
The PayCargo Premium Integrations allows you to easily create, edit, process transactions and let you use PayCargo as a payment option on your website. To ensure the safety of your personal information and funds the Premium Integrations uses end-to-end encryption.
The PayCargo Premium Integrations automatically reconciles each transaction with your system. No need to enter the details into your own system and no need to worry about duplicate transactions.
Copyright © 2008-2025 PayCargo, LLC. All Rights Reserved | All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.