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How to Register for a Payer Account

With a PayCargo Account have the Ideal Payment Method and Expedited Release of your Cargo.

What can PayCargo do for a Payer?

Through the PayCargo System, a Payer can view invoices loaded by a participating Vendor or set up any non-participating carrier by loading invoices from their payables. The Payer can leverage multiple payment options, approve or dispute a transaction before making a payment, track the status of a payment, and reduce the amount of additional expenses associated with manual payments.

What is the Internal Process for a Payer?

The Transactions will post on the PayCargo System allowing the Payer to log in and view all their Transactions with participating Vendors. The Payer will change the Transaction status on the PayCargo System from Created  to Approved, then the Vendor will immediately receive email Alerts for the Approved Transactions and the Payer will be debited the owed amount. 

How long is the Registration Process? How much does it cost?

How much does it cost? Registration is immediate, there is no cost to register just an Annual Fee Per User. Several minutes after registering you should receive a Welcome Alert email with credentials that allow you to login.

What are my different Payment options?

Currently there are three (3) Payment options available with the PayCargo System. 1. Overnight Debit Payment for shipment is debited from the Payer account and credited to the Vendor account on the scheduled due date or on the day the Payer schedules it. 2. PayCargo Credit If the Payer has applied for and is granted PayCargo Credit, PayCargo will pay the Vendor and maintain an account receivable from the Payer. Payment will be credited to the Vendor account on the due date. lf Payments are received via ACH, the funds will appear the next day. Once a Transaction is Approved, PayCargo will debit the Payer for the amount owed and credit the Vendors the same day. 3. Credit Cards