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What is PayCargo Finance and How do you apply

With a PayCargo Payer Account, you can request Funds to get your Cargo faster and defer your payment.

What is PayCargo Finance?

With your PayCargo Account you can request a Line of Credit to book Cargo or Other Transportation-Related Expenses for your Logistics Businesses. Once Approved, it can be used for any type of payment whether it is an import or export. The payment is guaranteed by PayCargo to the Vendor.

How do you Apply?

You need to Sign in to your Paycargo Payer Account and select Apply for PayCargo Credit in your Dashboard or on the Funds page https://paycargocap.com/how-it-works/.

How many days to get approved?

In less than 24 hours you can get reviewed and approved to have the funds available for use immediately. 

How much is the Cost of Applying for Credit? And what is the limit I can request?

No cost is associated with Registration. You can request from $50,000 to $5,000,000 with 15, 30, or 45-day terms at no cost to you, we extend credit and extend credit cards on your behalf. 

Does Applying for PayCargo Finance Affect My Credit Score?

Applying will not affect your credit score.