You Can Now Pay Your Invoices Through HMM
A new integration between PayCargo and HMM will revolutionize the way cargo is paid for and shipped around the world.
Customers can expect a seamless integration of the HMM Customer Reconciliation System and PayCargo’s Payment Technology.
Below is a step-by-step breakdown of the new integration:
1. Sign in to your HMM account with the username and password provided and
select the Invoice Payment Module.
This module will display some options:
1. Finance Dashboard (Recommended): Provides all your status AP including outstanding payment status and dispute.
2. Invoice: Here you can retrieve and verify all your invoices details.

2. In the Finance Dashboard module, verify your Outstanding Status then click on the Payment button.
The Dashboard will display all details.

3. In the Invoice module, you can select the invoices to pay then click on the Payment button.

4. Proceed to the payment details and complete the transaction.
1. After clicking on the Payment button, you will see the PayCargo option.
2. To proceed click on the Agreement Payment Terms of PayCargo then the Payment button below.
3. Once the payment button is clicked, it will prompt you to login to your PayCargo account, of which you can then complete the created transactions for the selected invoices.
4. Once payment is complete in PayCargo, the statuses of the invoices will be updated in the HMM portal, and you will receive confirmation of payment in an email notification.