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Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers

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Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers

About Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers

When importing goods into Canada or the USA, your shipments encounter regulatory reviews by multiple government agencies.

Depending on the commodity, origin, quality of paperwork, and many other factors, your goods can sail through the border or worse yet, get delayed and held.

This will cost you more time and ultimately more money. Working with a Customs Broker like Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers, allows you to leverage our knowledge of the regulations that govern your commodities.

Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers and it’s licensed and certified staff, have years of expertise in Tariff and Customs laws as well as understanding the rules for the clearance of imported cargo merchandise across all Industries.

As your nominated Customs Broker, we will primarily assist in the release and accounting of your goods via any mode of transport on your behalf.

We well ensure your customs entries are accurate and customs compliant in accordance to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Customs Border Protection (CBP) regulations.

Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers 2ith state of the art technology, our web based system offers full visibility of shipments, release status and customs documentation.

Efficient and fast electronic customs clearance and declaration services (EDI, ACROSS and CADEX), saving you time at the border.

Atlantic Pacific Customs Brokers advantages

Tariff Classification and Data Base analysis
Determine the correct Duty rates
Obtain Binding Rulings / Advanced Rulings from customs
Calculate the proper Valuation of your goods
Take advantage of all Tariff Agreements and Trade Agreements
Advice on Import Documentation
Provide advice on the many importing requirements with Participating Government Agencies (PGA)
Establish and help Importers pay directly their GST or post Security with CBSA
Advise of all Consumer Packaging, Labelling, Tax and other areas of importing/trade
Prepare Duty Drawback refunds on duty and surtax paid
Pre-Verification Compliance Audits to review you importing practices
Post-Verification Audits review of customs audit findings to determine areas of protest or appeal
Customs Penalty Protests/Appeals in the event that an audit or import has resulted in a penalty or protest or appeal
Prior Disclosure/Voluntary Disclosure in the event a compliance issue is found
Non Resident Importing for companies not residing in Canada but elect to act as the Importer of Record (IOR)
Registration for a Business Number
Agreement to Maintain Records

PayCargo is your all-in-one logistics payment platform for faster release of cargo. With PayCargo, your security and satisfaction are accounted for. 

Visit paycargo.com/get-started/ to learn more.