Our phone system is back online. If you experience any issues, please email us at [email protected] and let us know if you had trouble reaching us earlier. Thank you for your patience.

Charles M Schayer & Company

For assistance contact PayCargo Support at
+1 (888) 250-7778 or [email protected]
Charles M Schayer & Company

About Charles M Schayer & Company

Charles M Schayer & Company manages international freight and Customs clearance and keeps its customers in compliance with Customs regulations. Our customers have depended on us for Customs brokerage and international freight forwarding since 1946.

We’ve established a tradition of helping our clients stay a step ahead of the competition through innovative and timely services.

Charles M Schayer & Company Advantages

Our unmatched versatility in the field of transportation management logistics gives our clients a critical advantage in a world of rapid changes and increasing competition.

  • Freight Transportation Management
  • Competitive Rates
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Tracking Your Shipments
  • Consulting Services
  • Compliance Auditing of Your Imports and Exports

PayCargo is your all-in-one logistics payment platform for faster release of cargo. With PayCargo, your security and satisfaction are accounted for. 

Visit paycargo.com/get-started/ to learn more.