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Charleston Stevedoring Company

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Charleston Stevedoring Company

About Charleston Stevedoring Company

Charleston Stevedoring Company provides superior stevedoring services to our customers in the port of Charleston through continual improvement of container cargo handling services, by conducting safe operations and sustaining and improving the well-being of employees and our community.

Charleston Stevedoring Company is located in Charleston, South Carolina and is engaged in provision of stevedoring and cargo handling services at local container Ports. Established in 2020, the organization utilizes its extensive expertise and operational diversity to deliver the highest quality, value-added benefits to our customers. CSC strives to be a leader in the stevedoring, container/cargo handling, and marine terminal operations space. What separates CSC from its competition is our outstanding customer service and an unmatched passion for quality.

Charleston Stevedoring Company handles every type, size, and shape of cargo traveling via container vessel through Charleston. The world’s most prestigious ocean carriers, South Carolina Ports Authority, and our community demand the best from CSC, and we deliver with confidence, clarity, and commitment. CSC is focused on providing to each customer personalized service, high productivity, and quick vessel turnaround all while sustaining a safe and secure operating environment.

Charleston Stevedoring Company advantages

Container Services

CSC provides full spectrum container stevedoring services for all container terminals at the port of Charleston.

For more information about this service,
Email: [email protected]

CFS—Container Freight Station

CSC provides on terminal CFS services for all container terminals at the port of Charleston.

For more information about this service,
Email: [email protected]


CSC provides stevedoring services to load and unload breakbulk to and from container vessels.

For more information about this service,
Email: [email protected]

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