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Jade International

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Jade International

About Jade International

At Jade International, we have three core values that define our work: Integrity, Hard-Work, and Community. As a company, we strive to be virtuous in our work and personal lives, which allows us to build trust with our exporters and importers.

The relationships we develop with our clients are invaluable to us as we gain not only their faith in our abilities, but confidence in our company.

The integrity of our staff is seen in the dedication they have to our craft. Our staff works diligently and extensively to ensure the cargo related tasks are completed, especially time-sensitive shipments.

As we do what we are so passionate about, we have grown closer together as more than just co-workers. Jade is a family of all different personalities and people who have come together for one reason; serving our clients.

Jade International advantages

Full Container load or FCL shipments are moved with a number of ocean freight lines

Less than container load or LCL shipments are moved with a number of ocean freight carriers that are consolidators or NVOCC’s

Hazardous ocean freight services are offered for both less than container loads (LCL) and full container loads (FCL).

Refrigerated ocean containers, also known as reefers, are offered as full container loads only.

‘One size does not fit all.’ Many companies simply have products that do not fit into the standard ocean freight containers. Ocean break bulk is the answer.

PayCargo is your all-in-one logistics payment platform for faster release of cargo. With PayCargo, your security and satisfaction are accounted for. 

Visit paycargo.com/get-started/ to learn more.