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Marine Asset Management

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Marine Asset Management

About Marine Asset Management

Marine Asset Management‘s mission is to provide their client base with an efficient tracking, validation and collection service system for tariff established equipment usage charges prior to its return.

By the implementation of an innovative system designed around the specific needs of the market involved and following the pre established governing tariffs, carriers will be able to offer their clients with the flexibility of tracking, calculating and payment of due charges associated with container usage through the convenience of a wide variety of methods.

For Marine Asset Management providing the carriers with the needed tools to effectively improve their equipment return time more than a process is commitment that will allow carriers to satisfy the equipment demand of today’s market.

Marine Asset Management Advantages

Facing the needs of an industry in constant growth and expansion analyzing available new technology and current operational processes has turned into a key element in maintaining and achieving optimum results. The wide variety of factors and regional characteristics affecting the market served by the maritime industry is evidence of the importance of maintaining efficient and cost effective processes.

Because they understand that equipment availability is a determining factor for the carrier’s service rendering capability Marine Asset Management open for the industry a new window of possibilities and resources oriented to reduce equipment return time.

PayCargo is your all-in-one logistics payment platform for faster release of cargo. With PayCargo, your security and satisfaction are accounted for. 

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