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Packer Avenue Marine Terminal

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Packer Avenue Marine Terminal

About Packer Avenue Marine Terminal

Packer Avenue Marine Terminal is operated by Greenwich Terminals LLC and is one of the most productive terminals in the United States.

The facility employs 12 highly productive and safe in-house labor crews and offers 19 start times which creates greater flexibility for vessel departure and arrival times.  This adds up to cargo being moved faster, discharged faster, and saves distributors time and money.

Home to the largest 3rd party reefer terminal in the United States, the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal offers over 4 million cubic feet of refrigerated cargo space and 2,200 reefer plugs.

The Packer Avenue Marine Terminal offers auto, steel, and project cargo shippers a safe and efficient gateway for importing and exporting cargoes with 200,000 square feet of on-dock storage space dedicated to dry storage and weather-sensitive cargoes.

Packer Avenue Marine Terminal advantages

Packer provides distributors rapid movement of their freight with direct access to two class-one railroads, the CSX and NS.  These railways offer cargo transportation services to distribution centers across North America and into parts of Canada

Packer offers on-site government services and is equipped with an on-dock VACIS cargo scanning system.  In partnership with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, a brand new, state-of-the-art agricultural inspection center is to be completed early in 2019.

As part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Capital Investment Program, $200 million is being invested in the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal.  This program is funding 5 new super post panama cranes, berth expansions, electrification and new refrigerated and dry warehouse buildings.

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