Our phone system is back online. If you experience any issues, please email us at [email protected] and let us know if you had trouble reaching us earlier. Thank you for your patience.

You can now pay CSX Rail (Storage Payments Only) with your PayCargo Payer Account: Log In To Pay

About Welke

Since 1985, Rolf Welke and his sons Bernard and Peter, have been on a mission to redefine quality service. Our unique and empowered team not only cultivates deep relationships with their assigned customers but also with freight forwarders, carriers and customs staff to fully integrate customer supply chains.

Just like we take care of our clients, we also take care of the planet and community. For every cargo shipment we clear, we plant one tree with the non-profit One Tree Planted. We’re also well on our way to being 100% paperless.

We follow the highest standards of customs and supply chain compliance and are proud of being CTPAT and PIP certified. If you’re an importer and would like to enroll in either of these programs, please reach out to us for more information.

Welke advantages

Land Freight
We’re able to quickly locate capacity on trucks and trains to get your cargo where you need it to go, fast.

Air Freight
With Welke, you’ll get always get the best service and end-to-end visibility. Plus, we’re trusted customs brokers.

Ocean Freight
Our global network of freight agents makes shipping your cargo reliable, easy and stress-free.

PayCargo is your all-in-one logistics payment platform for faster release of cargo. With PayCargo, your security and satisfaction are accounted for. 

Visit paycargo.com/get-started/ to learn more.